Our silent auction is full of treasures ranging from locally-made jewelry to boats. If you are interested in donating to the Silent Auction, please contact silentauction@cheat.org
The silent auction will be open from 5:30pm on Festival Friday to 9:00pm Festival Saturday.
Check out some of the star items from last year’s Cheat Fest
Donated by Drawn in Stone
“Pretty much everyone knows that I grew up on an amazing river in West Virginia. It’s where I learned to swim and where I rolled a kayak for the very first time. I could hear or see the river from almost anywhere in the house and from raging floods to lazy midnight campfires it was an ever present force in my life and the lives of pretty much everyone I knew.
It wasn’t a healthy river though. Because of acid mine drainage the river was slowly dying. Enter Friends of the Cheat. They started as a small group of people who loved the river and weren’t about to let it die if they could stop it.
Now they’re a large group of people who not only helped the river back to life – but continue to monitor and advocate for it.
And that’s where this piece of art comes in. The Cheat has become a Phoenix rising from the ashes of a history of environmental exploitation and abuse. But without Friends of the Cheat that phoenix might never have had the chance to fly. However, fixing an entire river drainage isn’t cheap. So every year FOC throws the biggest, coolest party ever to help raise money – Cheat Fest. Live music, awesome food, great people, cool art (I have an art booth there so I might be a little biased on that) and a silent auction of donated items. This Cheat River Phoenix Rising is the piece I’m donating to the silent auction.
The piece is maple inlaid with malachite, apatite, opal, sodalite, labradorite, howlite, moonstone, jasper, calcite, biotite and obsidian.” -Darcy Thabes
Donated by Daniel Gifford