Have more fun…volunteer!


How could Cheat Fest be any more fun?

I’m glad you asked….

Volunteering at Cheat Fest is a much different experience than simply attending. As a volunteer you complete a four hour shift in exchange for free on-site overnight camping, free food and beer all day from the hospitality cafè, free festival entry, an invitation to the Friday night VIP party (where there is more free beer and wine), and an inside look at the inner-workings of Cheat Fest.


There are lots of volunteer positions to choose from. Some examples are compost guardian or silent auction attendant. There are also opportunities for you to step up and be a lead volunteer. Lead volunteers make sure that the Down River Race, 5K, Hospitality Cafè, vendor program, stage management, silent auction, and other important parts of the fest go smoothly.

Volunteers make Cheat Fest a successful fundraiser for Friends of the Cheat. Without you it would be far too expensive to make Cheat Fest a lucrative fundraiser. Won’t you help us make this special event a success?

Act soon! Volunteer positions fill up quickly.

To volunteer at Cheat Fest please contact Kelli Geswein at Kelligeswein@hotmail.com or 724-632-6591. 

If you are interested in being a Lead Volunteer, please contact Ellie Bell, Festival Coordinator, at cheatfest@cheat.org.