#TBT – 5 Things You May Have Missed at Cheat Fest 2014

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Memories of Ken

Ellie Sanders expressed extreme gratitude for the proceeds generated to help her with expenses following the loss of her husband Ken.  Friends of Ken Sanders are thankful for support from Liquid Logic, PS Composites, FOC, and all those who donated by purchasing t-shirts, river gear or Liquid Logic kayak raffle tickets.  They would also like to thank those who volunteered their time and resources.  The winner of the kayak was Dean Millard – congrats Dean!

Ralph & Kathy Take It Easy

The 2014 fest honored the contributions of long-time FOC supporters, Ralph and Kathy Teter.  Kids and the young-at-heart sported “fingerstache” tattoos in the spirit of Ralph’s famous mustache (even Jimmy Snyder sported a ‘stache for the day!).  Ralph and Kathy were spotted enjoying the festival, something that they really haven’t gotten to do for many years due to their vast responsibilities at the campground.


Cheat Canyon Feature

Prior to the final act, FOC screened a short video on the Cheat Canyon produced by Dan Henninger and Dale Rongaus.  The video started with an exciting flyover (thanks Mysti!) over the length of the Canyon and featured several FOC friends enjoying the variety of recreational opportunities the Canyon has to offer.  Check out the flyover, video, and opening event coverage on the Friends of the Cheat website and get out and see the real thing by visiting the new Cheat Canyon Wildlife Management Area, including a section of WV’s longest trail, the Allegheny Trail.  Special thanks to Dan and Brian for handling the video logistics.

Can the Stew Get Any Bigger?

Thankfully, we reinforced the stage.

A New Human!


Many birthdays have been celebrated at the fest but this year the Cheat River community welcomed a new human to the planet following his parents’ hectic journey from Albright to Sang Run to DC.  FOC supporters, Chris Glazner and Summer Austin welcomed baby Austin Garrett to the world later that night.  Chris shared this photo of him feeding Austin for the first time in his only clean shirt – his new Cheat Fest tee.