Cheat Fest 2019 – Looking for Volunteer Leaders!

Cheat Fest is truly a community effort – so many river lovers come out to make the festival magic happen. Now in our 25th year (Can you believe it!?!?) we are looking to invite several more folks who are looking to dig deeper into the fest. Right now, we are looking to fill openings for Lead Volunteer Coordinators as well as leadership and assistant positions before, during and after the fest. Below are some of the areas where we are looking for committed volunteer help and where you can really impact the festival!  If you’re interested in joining the team, please contact the Festival Director at to see if one of these positions is a fit good for you!

5K Coordinator
Pre-Festival Vendor Coordinator
Volunteer Café Coordinator
Education Eddy Coordinator
Gate Managers (Day Of Position)
Volunteer Leader (Day Of Position)
Pre-Festival Office Assistants
Post-Festival Office Assistants

Read more about volunteering on our Volunteer Page!