WEDNESDAY – Cheat Fest From Home

Wednesday Welcome from FOC’s Beth Warnick

Community Song Share

Another Big Thanks to all of the folks who’ve been sending in their songs, we love you!

George Bell

Honeysuckle and Thorn by Emliy Carlson

Dirt by Ben Dube

Eric Pifer playing Fire & Rain by James Taylor

Pap’s Cabin by Nae Paugh

Diane Henderson

Too Many Boats by Jerry Vandiver

Ways to Support:

 If you’re a Cheat River lover and looking for a way to financially support us during this time, consider either donating by buying a “ticket”, or getting one of the beautiful shirts featuring John Victor’s artwork! Or, peruse the Virtual Silent Auction! – Filled with local and regional treasures. All proceeds support the work of Friends of the Cheat

Become a member

Click here to enter our Virtual Silent Auction!

Ticket Donation & Festival Shirt Orders & Raffle! 

Wednesday in the Kid’s Tent

Fest Art Coloring Contest PDF Download

Fest Art Coloring Contest – PDF Download

Big Thank You to our Generous Sponsors who Stuck with us Rain, Shine, and Online!

Please take our Preston Trail Towns Survey!

Because CheatFest is a celebration of Spring and new life, Friends of the Cheat is excited to announce the birth of Preston Trail Towns! Preston Trail Towns is a program connecting people across Preston County to build sustainable communities around trails and outdoor recreation. We know that the future in West Virginia is in its beauty and its opportunities to go outside and play.

We need your help! Please fill out the Preston Trail Towns Survey at It takes a couple of minutes and will help us hit the ground running!

For more information about Preston Trail Towns, follow “Preston Trail Towns” on Facebook and contact Kelley Burd-Huss at



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