Feast your eyes on the 2017 Cheat Fest Artwork – by the wildly generous John Victor!
For 8 years, Southern Ohio artist John Victor has been graciously donating his time and expertise to Friends of the Cheat by designing the Cheat Fest artwork. Peruse his website for a glimpse into his talents. This year, FOC will be compiling all of John’s donated Cheat Fest art in a 16 page coloring book – available at the Cheat Fest merch booth.

Former designer for the American Whitewater magazine, John has deep ties with the paddling world. Longtime friend to the Cheat River, John met the Pitzer family through music and mutual friends. John’s piece titled “Pitzer” is a touching tribute of his connection with Keith Pitzer, former Executive Director of FOC and renowned musician. Just recently, John paddled the Grand Canyon with none other than our current ED, Amanda Pitzer.